
Altaratz, D. (2024). The uncanniness of interactive photography: Exploring spatial perception in virtual tours and structure from motion. Philosophy of Photography, 15(47).

Altaratz, D. Morse, T. (2023) Digital Séance: Fabricated Encounters with the Dead. Social Sciences. 12:11. 635.

Trentin, MG. Altaratz, D. Caine, M. Re’em, A. Tinazzo, A. Gasanova, S. (2023). Historic Graffiti as a Visual Medium for the Sustainable Development of the Underground Built Heritage. Sustainability. ; 15(15):11697.

Altaratz, D. (2023). The Human Tripod: Computational Photography, Automated Processes, and Professional Identity. photographies, 16:2, 291-311, 2023

Re’em A., Caine M., Altaratz D. and Tchekhanovets Y. (2022) Historical Archaeology of Medieval Pilgrimage: Dating the “Walls of the Crosses” in the Holy Sepulchre Chapel of St. Helena. In New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region, Volume 15.

Altaratz, D., Frosh, P. (2021). Sentient Photography: Image-Production and the Smartphone Camera,. photographies, 14:2, 243-264, 2021

Caine, M., Altaratz, D., Mann, E., & Havkin, A. (2020). The Spirit of the Cloud: The ‘New Jerusalem’ as a metaphor for social experiences of virtual technologies. Proceedings of EVA London 2020 30, 58-65.

Caine, M., Altaratz, D., Maggen M. (2019). Combining RTI & SFM. A Multi-Faceted approach to Inscription Analysis. Proceedings of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, Florence (EVA 2019) Conference (pp. 97-104). Firenze University Press.

Caine, M., Altaratz, D., MacDonald, L.,Reem, A. (2018). The Riddle of the Crosses – The Crusaders in the Holy Sepulchre. Proceedings of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2018) Conference (pp. 132-139). London, UK

conference presentations

Conference title: 7th International Conference of Photography & Theory
Location: CYENS Centre of Excellence, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dates: November 7-9, 2024
Panel 16: Love and Loss through the lens: mediated death
Paper title: The Digital Séance: Fabricated Encounters with the Dead (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Panel 18: Phantasmagoria, spectatorship and the mediation of affect
Paper title: Witnessing carnage: Self-documented terrorism and the moral challenges of Decentralized Digital Platforms (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)

Conference title: The Israeli Communication Association’s annual conference 2024
Location: Reichman University, Herzliya, ISRAEL
Date: April 18, 2024
Panel: photographic communications in protest and war
Paper title: A Photogrammetric look at the disaster (Doron Altaratz & Moshe Caine)

Conference title: Helsinki Photomedia 2024
Location: Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Dates: April 11-13, 2024
Panel 1: Archive and Memory 1
Paper title: The Digital Séance: Fabricated Encounters with the Dead (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)

Conference title: DDD16: Learning from Suffering and Dying
Location: University of Padua, ITALY
Dates: September 7-9, 2023
Panel 1: Rethinking Digital Death: The Norms, Politics, and Technologies of Grief and Remembering
Paper title: Deepfaking the Dead: computational photography and Raising of “Lazarus” (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)

Conference title: (Death Online Research Symposium)DORS#6 DEATH FUTURES
Location: Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Dates: May 31-June 2, 2023
Panel 11: Digital Death: Technologies and Cultures in the Production of Immortality, Afterlife, and Identity
Paper title: Deepfaking the Dead: computational photography and Raising of “Lazarus” (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)

Conference title: Conference of Photography and Theory 2022
Location: Theatro Polis, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dates: November 17-19, 2022
Session 07: On Machine Vision and Ai
Paper title: The Uncannniness of Computational Photography (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: 9th European Communication Conference ECREA 2022
Location: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Dates: October 19-22, 2022
Session 07: Negotiating Digital Afterlife – Post mortal Communication in a Hyper-mediated Society
Paper title: Deepfaking the Dead: computational photography and Raising of “Lazarus” (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)

Conference title: Helsinki Photomedia 2022
Location: Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Dates: March 31- April 04, 2022
Session 01: Technologies and Cultures – Critical Approaches
Paper title: Visual Portals of Reality: User Agency and Remote Sensing of Post-Processing Photography (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: Digital Past 2021 -New Technologies in Heritage, interpretation, and Outreach
Location: Online/Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, UK
Dates: February 10-12, 2022
Session 01: Digital Heritage
Paper title: The Virtual Pilgrim (Moshe Caine & Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) London, 2020
Location: Online/London, UK
Dates: November 16-19, 2020
Talk 03: AI and the Arts: Artificial Imagination
Paper title: The Spirit of the Cloud (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Eytan Mann, Adam Havkin)

Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) Florence, 2020
Location: Online/Florence, Italy
Dates: July 20, 2020
Session 03: New Technical Developments & Applications
Paper title: The Spirit of the Cloud (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Eytan Mann, Adam Havkin)

Conference title: IDENTITIES
Location: Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Dates: January 28-29, 2020
Session 03
Paper title: Portales of Reality (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: ECREA TWG: Visual Cultures & Communication, Images and Practices on the Move
Location: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dates: September 4-6, 2019
Panel 1: Images and Practices on the Move
Paper title: Hybrid Photography: Software Agency and computational proprioception in smartphone photography (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) Florence, 2019
Location: University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Dates: May 8-9, 2019
Session 3: New Technical Developments & Applications
Paper title: Combining RTI & SFM A Multi-Faceted Approach to Inscription Analysis (Moshe Caine, Michael Maggen, Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: Techniques, Measurements & Materials in Art & Archaeology
Location: Ramada Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel
Dates: December 10-12, 2018
Session 4: RTI
Paper title: The Riddle of the Saint Helena Crosses (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Amit Re’em)

Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) London, 2018
Location: BCS London offices, London, UK
Dates: July 9-12, 2018
Day 4: interdisciplinary session
Paper title: The Riddle of the Crosses: The Crusaders in the Holy Sepulchre (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Lindsay MacDonald, Amit Re’em)

Conference title: Digital Past 2018
Location: Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, UK
Dates: February 7-8, 2018
Session: Digital Technology
Paper title: The Riddle of the Crosses: The Crusaders in the holy sepulcher of Jerusalem (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: ICPT 2016 – 4th International Conference of Photography and Theory
Location: Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dates: December 2-4, 2016
Paper title: Flux Memories, The Family Album in Light of Emerging Stock Photography (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: Design & Technology in Person
Location: Hansen House, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Dates: March 16-17, 2016
Day 1
Paper title: Photographing with the body: the embodiment of the photographic image through algorithmic technologies (Doron Altaratz)

Location: Central Saint Martins of the Arts, London, UK
Dates: June 5-6, 2015
Session C:  Post-Photography
Paper title: Algorithmic Visual Mechanism: The reciprocity between Technological Developments, Human Machine Collaboration and Visual Perception (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: After Post Photography
Location: St.Petersburg State Institute for Culture, online/St.-Petersburg, Russia
Dates: May 15-16, 2015
Session title: Thinking in Pictures, or: Do we need a Philosophy of Photography?
Paper title: Algorithmic Visual Mechanism: The reciprocity between Technological Developments, Human Machine Collaboration and Visual Perception (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: a look at vision
Location: Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Date: November 5, 2014
Paper title: About seeing and photography – Guy Izhaki, Lexicon (Doron Altaratz)

Conference title: Interactive Telecommunications Program MPS Thesis defense
Location: New York University, NY, USA
Date:  2004
Paper title: The Angel Of History (Doron Altaratz)

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