Altaratz, D., Frosh, P. (2021). Sentient Photography: Image-Production and the Smartphone Camera,. photographies, 14:2, 243-264, 2021
Caine, M., Altaratz, D., Mann, E., & Havkin, A. (2020). The Spirit of the Cloud: The ‘New Jerusalem’ as a metaphor for social experiences of virtual technologies. Proceedings of EVA London 2020 30, 58-65.
Caine, M., Altaratz, D., Maggen M. (2019). Combining RTI & SFM. A Multi-Faceted approach to Inscription Analysis. Proceedings of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, Florence (EVA 2019) Conference (pp. 97-104). Firenze University Press.
Caine, M., Altaratz, D., MacDonald, L.,Reem, A. (2018). The Riddle of the Crosses – The Crusaders in the Holy Sepulchre. Proceedings of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2018) Conference (pp. 132-139). London, UK
conference presentations
Conference title: 7th International Conference of Photography & Theory
Location: CYENS Centre of Excellence, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dates: November 7-9, 2024
Panel 16: Love and Loss through the lens: mediated death
Paper title: The Digital Séance: Fabricated Encounters with the Dead (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Panel 18: Phantasmagoria, spectatorship and the mediation of affect
Paper title: Witnessing carnage: Self-documented terrorism and the moral challenges of Decentralized Digital Platforms (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Conference title: The Israeli Communication Association’s annual conference 2024
Location: Reichman University, Herzliya, ISRAEL
Date: April 18, 2024
Panel: photographic communications in protest and war
Paper title: A Photogrammetric look at the disaster (Doron Altaratz & Moshe Caine)
Conference title: Helsinki Photomedia 2024
Location: Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Dates: April 11-13, 2024
Panel 1: Archive and Memory 1
Paper title: The Digital Séance: Fabricated Encounters with the Dead (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Conference title: DDD16: Learning from Suffering and Dying
Location: University of Padua, ITALY
Dates: September 7-9, 2023
Panel 1: Rethinking Digital Death: The Norms, Politics, and Technologies of Grief and Remembering
Paper title: Deepfaking the Dead: computational photography and Raising of “Lazarus” (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Conference title: (Death Online Research Symposium)DORS#6 DEATH FUTURES
Location: Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Dates: May 31-June 2, 2023
Panel 11: Digital Death: Technologies and Cultures in the Production of Immortality, Afterlife, and Identity
Paper title: Deepfaking the Dead: computational photography and Raising of “Lazarus” (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Conference title: Conference of Photography and Theory 2022
Location: Theatro Polis, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dates: November 17-19, 2022
Session 07: On Machine Vision and Ai
Paper title: The Uncannniness of Computational Photography (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: 9th European Communication Conference ECREA 2022
Location: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Dates: October 19-22, 2022
Session 07: Negotiating Digital Afterlife – Post mortal Communication in a Hyper-mediated Society
Paper title: Deepfaking the Dead: computational photography and Raising of “Lazarus” (Doron Altaratz & Tal Morse)
Conference title: Helsinki Photomedia 2022
Location: Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Dates: March 31- April 04, 2022
Session 01: Technologies and Cultures – Critical Approaches
Paper title: Visual Portals of Reality: User Agency and Remote Sensing of Post-Processing Photography (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: Digital Past 2021 -New Technologies in Heritage, interpretation, and Outreach
Location: Online/Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, UK
Dates: February 10-12, 2022
Session 01: Digital Heritage
Paper title: The Virtual Pilgrim (Moshe Caine & Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) London, 2020
Location: Online/London, UK
Dates: November 16-19, 2020
Talk 03: AI and the Arts: Artificial Imagination
Paper title: The Spirit of the Cloud (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Eytan Mann, Adam Havkin)
Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) Florence, 2020
Location: Online/Florence, Italy
Dates: July 20, 2020
Session 03: New Technical Developments & Applications
Paper title: The Spirit of the Cloud (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Eytan Mann, Adam Havkin)
Conference title: IDENTITIES
Location: Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Dates: January 28-29, 2020
Session 03
Paper title: Portales of Reality (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: ECREA TWG: Visual Cultures & Communication, Images and Practices on the Move
Location: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dates: September 4-6, 2019
Panel 1: Images and Practices on the Move
Paper title: Hybrid Photography: Software Agency and computational proprioception in smartphone photography (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) Florence, 2019
Location: University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Dates: May 8-9, 2019
Session 3: New Technical Developments & Applications
Paper title: Combining RTI & SFM A Multi-Faceted Approach to Inscription Analysis (Moshe Caine, Michael Maggen, Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: Techniques, Measurements & Materials in Art & Archaeology
Location: Ramada Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel
Dates: December 10-12, 2018
Session 4: RTI
Paper title: The Riddle of the Saint Helena Crosses (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Amit Re’em)
Conference title: International Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) London, 2018
Location: BCS London offices, London, UK
Dates: July 9-12, 2018
Day 4: interdisciplinary session
Paper title: The Riddle of the Crosses: The Crusaders in the Holy Sepulchre (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz, Lindsay MacDonald, Amit Re’em)
Conference title: Digital Past 2018
Location: Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, UK
Dates: February 7-8, 2018
Session: Digital Technology
Paper title: The Riddle of the Crosses: The Crusaders in the holy sepulcher of Jerusalem (Moshe Caine, Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: ICPT 2016 – 4th International Conference of Photography and Theory
Location: Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dates: December 2-4, 2016
Paper title: Flux Memories, The Family Album in Light of Emerging Stock Photography (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: Design & Technology in Person
Location: Hansen House, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Dates: March 16-17, 2016
Day 1
Paper title: Photographing with the body: the embodiment of the photographic image through algorithmic technologies (Doron Altaratz)
Location: Central Saint Martins of the Arts, London, UK
Dates: June 5-6, 2015
Session C: Post-Photography
Paper title: Algorithmic Visual Mechanism: The reciprocity between Technological Developments, Human Machine Collaboration and Visual Perception (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: After Post Photography
Location: St.Petersburg State Institute for Culture, online/St.-Petersburg, Russia
Dates: May 15-16, 2015
Session title: Thinking in Pictures, or: Do we need a Philosophy of Photography?
Paper title: Algorithmic Visual Mechanism: The reciprocity between Technological Developments, Human Machine Collaboration and Visual Perception (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: a look at vision
Location: Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Date: November 5, 2014
Paper title: About seeing and photography – Guy Izhaki, Lexicon (Doron Altaratz)
Conference title: Interactive Telecommunications Program MPS Thesis defense
Location: New York University, NY, USA
Date: 2004
Paper title: The Angel Of History (Doron Altaratz)